In all honesty I can't believe how fast time has gone since I arrived in Hungary. In some ways it has not been at all what I expected, in some ways it was. If I'm honest I'd have to say that it's really better than I ever imagined. I've only been here for two weeks now, but I already feel at home. There is something special about this place, and I'm so excited to see the ways that God will work not only in my life but in the lives of my classmates and all those around me. Here's a little peak at my new home and my first couple weeks here.
This is the side walk leading from the Castle to all the dorm rooms and the main meeting room. Lots of time we call the dorms the barracks because they were originally built here when the Soviet Union took over the castle grounds.
This is the path on the opposite side of the castle that leads to the lake, soccer field, volley ball courts, and basketball slab. If you keep walking there is also a very nice trail through the woods.
The Castle! as you can see there are currently renovating it. This is where some of the staff lives and works, where guests stay, where we eat, sometimes work, and do laundry. =)
This tire swing is along side one of the trails through the woods on a little island in the middle of the little creek that runs into the lake.
A good friend of mine from the states surprised us by showing up and announcing he was staying for the school year, and one day he took my dad and I out to see Budapest =) This is St. Stephen's basilica, a church that you can go up in to see the whole city from.
Hungarian Parliament on the Danube River =)
Hero's Square in Budapest.
Dad and I on our second to last day together in Hero's Square.
Back at Elet Szava, int he days before all the students got there just hanging out with some of the prospective RAs playing games. Girls from left to right: Yana, Gina, Fanni, Hanna, and me!
Costa Rica girls! (our dorm room name is Costa Rica) before the opening weekend banquet.From left to right: Yana (the RA from Ukraine and the USA, Me, Marianna (Quebec), Miriam (Germany), Marie Pier (Quebec), and Stephanie (Quebec).
Our first class as first year students was Personal Evangelism, fro the second years it was Street Evangelism, after four days of classes we headed out onto the street of Budapest on thursday afternoon and friday to put what we learned into practise during OAE (open air evangelism). This picture is one of the second year students using the sketch board to illustrate salvation.
Marie Pier (one of my room mates), me, and Lili (one of the interns and a great friend) talking to a girl from Sweden in the market place.
Hanna explaining the gospel during OAE. Over the course of the the two days we spent on the streets over two hundred people heard the gospel, even more received tracts, and 9 people made professions of faith!
~The End for now!~